
In 2004, while visiting friends in Israel, Nick Breakspear met a humble lady called Valerie, a Hungarian Holocaust survivor living in Jerusalem. That chance meeting compelled Nick to tell her story in his own unique way. Since then Breakspear has produced, directed and written various films, some of which have been commissioned. Below are some examples of Breakspear’s recent work…

Appointed Times

You may plant your land for 6 years and gather its crops. But during the 7th year, you must leave it alone and withdraw from it.

Come to the Edge

The days of this old Biblical year are fast running out. A New Sabbath Year waits to greet us September 7th 2021 – September 26th 2022….Will we enter?

BAWLL 2021

Whilst the world has been playing the imposed game of lockdown. Breakspear Inc have been kicking an altogether different ball. Catch them here kicking around the ancient Bawl   story of EXILE!…or should that be – how not to play ball with the Chief?

Jerusalem or Bust 2018 (Feature)

Unconventional, musical road trip from creative artist and musician Nick Breakspear, assisted by a small army of creative playmates from all over the world – set off from Rochdale UK in search of a dreamy feast on the shores of a sacred beach (Will they ever find it?). Jerusalem or Bust is a mesmerising exploration of faith, discovery, and adventure in a dream-like-world.

Finders Keepers (2019)

Finders Keepers’ is a dreamy collagerie for the curious. Take a squiz at what Nick Breakspear shot as he bumped around the Mediterranean / Celtic islands – rubbing shoulders and sharing stories with fellow freedom seekers – many of them refugees fleeing war-torn memories. At its core is a bluesy rendition of “John the revelator’s” vision of a white stone – written long ago whilst in chains on the isle of Patmos.

Moria (2019)

So many times we pass harsh comments on people and situations without having any real first-hand knowledge – often choosing to take the spin of tabloid news reports rather than investigate the truth for ourselves. On my eye-opening journey to find out what a Refugee really is, I’ve met a small army of modern-day ‘Good Samaritans’ who thankfully have been willing to cross political and cultural divides to offer food and shelter to our fellow humans – its only when our hands are empty we look for such people to fill them.

Lifting the Veil 2018

A short postscript by director Nick Breakspear reflecting on his ten-year journey creating the epic adventure that is Jerusalem or Bust.

Beauty for Ashes (2016)

After hearing about the passing away of an acquaintance, Poppy – a homeless man from Rochdale, Breakspear kept thinking about his life and its sad end. “Life doesn’t have to be like this” – does it? The result was this song that Nick sang at his funeral, weeks later the experience bugged him to record it. Clearly, a bigger picture was emerging. A picture that needed painting – so the Inc filmed it! Without any funds they set off on a journey of tiny steps to tell a story that needs to be told.

Hoopoe (2014)

A musical piece inspired while filming a different project on onboard The Next Wave tall-ship sailing from Cyprus to Israel. Whilst in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, a Hoopoe bird landed on the shoulder of director Nick Breakspear. The Hoopoe is officially recognized as the National Bird of Israel and is quite significant in Scripture – Leviticus 11:13–19. Interesting that Israel chose an unclean bird to represent its avian status – Whatever the rationale behind their choice Nick was thrilled to be welcomed into the land by this feathered messenger.

Stones from the Staircase (2013)

Filmed in some of the world’s most picturesque locations, this charming story begins with a significant conversation in Old Jerusalem long before a modern-day encounter with an Australian Aborigine who offers the audience a cryptic gift signifying a divine marker – reaching its geographical destination. Accompanied by a contemporary soundtrack, ‘Stones from the Staircase’ is a thought-provoking and intriguing yarn, unravelling full-circle back to its sacred source like a spiritual boomerang.

The Red Door (2014)

Commissioned by Arrowhead Ministries of Perth, Australia. The Red Door is a short film following a young girl on a personal journey from isolation to turning the handle and opening a door to new opportunities back home.

I am still getting comments about this video. Some people had tears in their eyes as they watched Hannah Jones… great job Hannah! Others were blown away when the light shone through the open door. Very awesome everyone.

– Gloria Miller, Arrowhead Ministries

Walking Through Windows: Corro-gated (2008)

A contemporary short film depicting the inspirational life of Anges Jones, who became the first trained Nursing Superintendent of Liverpool Workhouse Infirmary. She dedicated her time and energy to her patients and died at the age of 35. Musically carried by ‘Corro-gated’; a track from Breakspears album Fishing in the Deep, the film highlights the plight of the homeless in the UK and the kindness of humanity. Created for the Walking Through Windows Centenary Exhibition at Liverpool`s Anglican Cathedral.

Full credits on IMDb

Valerie’s Orchard (2007) (Feature)

Valerie’s Orchard is a compelling film about an 86 year old Hungarian lady living in Jerusalem, who amazingly survived the Holocaust, in particular, Auschwitz Birkenau and the infamous “Death March”. Filmed on location in Israel, Eastern Europe and England, this amazing story features Valerie’s personal experiences; which are depicted through a unique perspective – Using original fine art pencil drawings of olive trees.

Full credits on IMDb

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